Race Catcher
Race Condition Analysis
Your Application Reliability

Race Conditions appear to disagree with Einstein. Constant software algorithms may produce different results on the same input.
That is, however, due to independently running threads.
These different threads live in their own space-time-energy universes, (algorithm space – algorithm time – energy of cause-effects). Race conditions are caused by intersections between those universes in unpredictable times, i.e. accesses to common memory (corresponding algorithm’s space). It is like a passage (a whole) from one universe to another that can be opened at the wrong time.
That difference in these threads’ universes (space and time) is what makes Race Conditions the most complex software bugs to analyze without a good Dynamic Code Analyzer.
Luckily, Race Catcher - automatically locates
Race Conditions with 0% False Positives precision.
Follow 2 simple steps to locate Race Conditions in your Java based application.
1. Download Race Catcher™ and run "sumui". Free account will be created.
2. In your application script, Instead of "java -jar yourjar.jar" use "jta -jar yourjar.jar".
The results will automatically appear in the Race Catcher™ UI